Language Arts


  Language Arts

  • Identifies front, back, title, and author of a book.
  • Demonstrates top to bottom, left to right progression
  • Distinguishes letters from words and words from sentences
  • Identifies all uppercase and lowercase letters
  • Demonstrates knowledge of beginning sounds by printing correct letter symbols with corresponding pictures
  • Orally tells what sound is heard at the beginning and ending of words
  • Blends CVC sounds aloud to make a word
  • Rhymes
  • Count the number of sounds in a syllable and the number of syllables in a word
  • Reads one syllable and common words by sight such as "the", "I", "is"
  • Makes predictions
  • Demonstrates comprehension of stories by orally retelling or acting out
  • Identifies characters, setting, and main idea of a story
  • Prints name correctly "on line"
  • Prints alphabet letters legibly without a model
  • Uses writing (letters, pictures, and words) to express own meaning
  • Writes from left to right and from top to bottom
  • Writes some simple CVC words spelled correctly and longer words phonetically (as they sound)
  • Orally state the names of the days of the week and months of the year
  • Identifies the eight basic colors and reads the corresponding color words
  • Understands and follows one and two step spoken directions